Budget vs Location
The first part of the property identification system is to establish your budget, property requirements and personal preferences.
This information will identify which areas to target. The budget will indicate how far from the CBD we’ll be looking at, your property requirements will then help our team determine the best type of property to search for.

Budget vs Location
The first part of the property identification system is to establish your budget, property requirements and personal preferences.
This information will identify which areas to target. The budget will indicate how far from the CBD we’ll be looking at, your property requirements will then help our team determine the best type of property to search for.

Location Price Cycle
We identify any suburbs who’s median house price is over halfway up the price rise cycle.
There is no point buying in a suburb that is at the top of its price cycle. But if you look to neighbouring suburbs you’ll often find one who’s median house price is much lower than one very close by.
As the suburb we are comparing it to is becoming more expensive to buy in, we can safely predict that demand will increase in neighbouring more affordable suburbs.

Location Demographics
When the first 3 parts of the selection process have been met, we then need to look at the next, most important criteria. Infrastructure and accessibility.
We need to be able to access public transport so firstly we look at the distance to the closest railway station and to bus stops.
From there, we look at access to major hubs that people will travel to such as the city, airport, schools, shopping centres, hospitals and recreational areas.

Location Infrastructure
One of the biggest concerns people have when purchasing a property in a remote location is seeing the property for themselves.
We have invested in technology that creates a fully immersive 3D Virtual Tour. Viewable on any device from anywhere in the work it is simply the best way to inspect a property when you’re not here. Don’t put up with videos from a phone when you take a virtual walk through a property as though you were there.

Median House Price
When we look at purchasing in a suburb, it’s very important to buy as close to the median house price as possible – preferably we purchase below the median price.
If you purchase in the top price range for a suburb, firstly you’ll limit the capital growth potential but more importantly, you’ll limit the number of tenants due to the high rent you’ll be seeking as well as reducing the number of potential buyers when it comes time to sell.
This formula reduces risk.

Rental Return
We now consider the rental return of a property and the vacancy rate for that suburb. What we are looking for is a return as close to 5% as possible and very low vacancy rate. There is no point having a rental property in an area that has a high amount of vacancies already, this is the biggest indicator of either oversupply or population decrease. The demographic research has usually led us to a suburb where these factors are not a concern. The focus is now on property that can achieve the returns we need.

Tax Effectiveness
This is one of the final parts of the process and comes down to your requirements. Firstly a brand new home is going to have far more tax benefits than an established by way of additional items we can claim for and depreciation. If you are in a position where you need more tax deductions then that determines the type of property we look at for the returns. Generally, I will look for a neutral solution where the rent covers or just about covers the ongoing property costs.

Your Input
Once the previous steps have been completed, we will be shortlisting properties to inspect. We will send them to you via email and you will let me know what you think.
Our role is to be analytical in the selection process, your role involves your feelings. Features that appeal to me may not to you and this is very important because if you feel that way, future tenants and potential buyers may also feel the same way.
By receiving your input at this time will lead us to the perfect property for you.

The Result
The final result will be a property that is located in a suburb that is predicted to grow in value in the near future, appeals to a wide range of tenants and is low maintenance.
A property we can all be proud of.