Brendale Townhouse

A client was referred to me needing a Brendale Townhouse with some special features and low cost. It was for a relative and needed to be lowest with 2 bedrooms, a carport, an out door area for a small dog and low priced in the suburb of Brendale.

Perfect Property

The perfect Brendale Townhouse had just come back on to the market and met all of the clients conditions and more. Rather than the usual 2 story high density townhouse complex, this property was more like a duplex with its own front court yard area and fully fenced rear out door area.

Property Improvements

There is ample room for low cost non structural property improvements that can be made that will increase both the value and returns of this townhouse with many of the adjacent townhouses having the out door areas covered and converted the carport into another room.

Property Improvements

Returns on Investment

If you search for 2 bedroom townhouses for rent in Real you will not find any at this present time which indicates high demand. The returns based on a rental income of $400 per week are 5.7% which is a very high return. Cash Flow Positive.

Market Volatility

Market volatility has been reduced by purchasing a property with some unique features not found in other townhouses in a area of high demand yet at a very low price point.


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